Unicorn Valley is a 313-acre horse paradise in the heart of Kentucky. Horses growing up in Unicorn Valley have lots to do and are never bored. They encounter all sorts of natural conditions: dry and wet ground, streams, rocks, dense forest, steep hills, wide open spaces, and lots of wildlife, such as snakes, deer, raccoons, groundhogs, wild turkeys and humans, of course. Icelandic Horses who grow up in such an environment are healthy, intelligent, self-confident and hardly ever spook.

Olaf and Anneliese Virro, the happy owners of Unicorn Valley and its 13 or so equine inhabitants first encountered Icelandic horses on a trip to Europe via Iceland right after graduate school over 40 years ago. They were immediately impressed by the small horses’ sweet disposition, unflappable calm and smooth powerful gaits; they went home wishing they could own some.
Their dream finally came true in 1982, when, after having purchased a farm in Kentucky as a haven to escape to from the hustle and bustle of the city and to enjoy nature, they purchased three Icelandic horses: two mares and a stallion. A few years later, they purchased another stallion, then began importing trained horses and very well-bred mares directly from Iceland.
In Unicorn Valley, foals are handled from birth, but not over-handled. They grow up within their herd, which provides discipline. At the same time, they also learn to trust their humans. They are halter-trained at about three-to-four months of age and are soon accustomed to accepting baths and fly spray and to having their feet handled. Accustomed to regular interaction with humans, they are very easy to start under the saddle.
We breed for the right amount of willingness with brakes, docility, great disposition, beauty and really good gaits (above all, outstanding natural tölt).

We welcome all visitors even if they are not quite yet in the market for an Icelandic – please call or email for an appointment to learn more about Icelandic horses. Prospective buyers of horses are taken on a trail-ride to try any horse they might be interested in buying.